Elementary, Counselor — The Baker Street Letters (series) by Michael Robertson
The Heath brothers, Reggie and Nigel, didn’t quite realize what they were getting into when they signed the rental agreement for their new law chambers in London. In the fine print is a clause that, as a condition of the firm’s residency, letters addressed to a previous occupant must be read, filed, and replied to with a form letter. Why is this a problem, especially for the serious-minded Reggie?
Because the letters are to Sherlock Holmes, and the address is 221B Baker Street.
Yes, despite the fact that Holmes Museum and the bronze statue of the Great Detective himself is further down the street, people still write to that famous address asking for help. Nigel, the less-serious brother, usually is tasked with responding to and filing the Holmes letters that come into the chambers. In the first book, however, Nigel decides to investigate the problem himself, even though said problem is in Los Angeles, California — and over fifteen years old! Reggie is not happy with Nigel, even less so when a body is discovered in his office.
Over the course of six books, the brothers encounter a variety of mysteries, and a summons to jury duty, only occasionally prompted by a letter to Baker Street. Their supporting cast is equally eccentric. Lois is the law clerk/secretary because they can’t afford two people for the two different jobs. Laura Rankin is a talented stage actress who will eventually become Mrs. Reggie Heath. Lord Robert Buxton, a media mogul, is Reggie’s rival for Laura’s affections, using his tabloids at every opportunity to attempt to embarrass him and Nigel. Lastly, there is one figure whose physical description and/or mannerisms would be familiar to any classic Holmes fan. In the sixth book, a man named Siger claims to have been many things before playing violin for commuters in the Marylebone Tube station; but by the end, the reader knows that there is more to this man than meets the eye.
From murder to disappearances to someone claiming Professor Moriarty as an ancestor, this series has all the quirks of Agatha Christie, sprinkled with Holmesian humor, and the thrill of the chase, leading to wonderful, satisfying conclusions. Any fan of Christie or Conan Doyle — or even any fan of BBC’s Sherlock or CBS’s Elementary — will enjoy these books. Since the releases have been averaging at one every two years, I’m expecting #7 out any day now. The series is available from St. Martin’s Press.
A touch of bookkeeping before we wrap up: welcome to Nina Quist, Pato Montalvo, and Marc Oakley. May the madness not disappoint you.
Thank you for reading my ramblings, and I hope to hear from you. If you’d like to recommend a book for me to read and review, or even need me as an editor for your own work, please contact me here, or on my Facebook page for Just Write! Ink.
In the meantime, keep reading, keep writing, and never give up making your own magic. Be well, my dears, and stay safe.